Sycamore Park Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meetings

While the bylaws of the association call for monthly meetings of the Board, the Board has determined to hold meetings as necessary. 

As specific dates, times and locations for meetings are determined, they will be posted on the website and notice & agenda will be distributed as per civil code requirements. 

Annual Meeting of Members

The Annual Meeting is held in July of each year. The 2022 Annual Meeting will be held in July at a time and location as determined by the board. 


The association's fiscal year runs from January 1st to December 31st

The next new fiscal year budget begins on January 1, 2022 and must be mailed to the membership no later than November 30, 2021. Current quarterly assessments are $725.00

If the Association exceeds $75,000 in assessment income in a given fiscal year the association must conduct an annual audit which would be required to be mailed to homeowners by April 30th. Otherwise a financial statement of the prior fiscal year will be sent. 


Vendors with on-going service contracts with the association provide maintenance as follows:

Landscape - O & L Landscape - Wednesday
Trash Pickup  - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Pursuant to California Civil Code, starting January 1, 2008, Board meeting agendas must be posted along with the notice of meeting in a prominent location in the common area or mailed to each homeowner. With the following exceptions, boards are not allowed to discuss or take action on any item not on that agenda.

•Residents may speak on any issue, regardless of whether it was listed on the agenda. 

•Board members and their agents (including managers) may briefly respond to statements or questions from association members, ask clarifying questions, make brief announcements, or make brief reports on their own activities. 

•Boards may refer certain informational matters and administrative tasks to its managers, agents and staff--even if these items were not listed on the agenda. 

•Any subject may be discussed and acted upon if there is an emergency, if immediate action is needed on a matter which arose after the agenda was distributed, or if the item was on a recent agenda and was continued to the current meeting.

The Mesa Bungalows Homeowners Association will mail meeting notices and a copy of the meeting agenda to community members as well as posting those documents on this page of the website.

Board Meeting Notice & Agenda