Architectural Processing
The sole purpose of the Architectural Application process is to maintain the architectural character of Sycamore Park, to keep the community attractive to all residents, and to protect yours and the other homeowner’s investment. Please ensure that prior to commencing any exterior architectural modification, that you submit and obtain approval from your Homeowners Association. Additionally, approval of your application from the association does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain all required permits from all government agencies that may oversee your project.
The Board of Directors per the CC&R's and community needs have formed various standing and Ad Hoc committees to assist them with community issues. If you are interested in serving on a committee contact Tritz Professional Management Services. Current committees are:
The Board of Directors serves as the Architectural Review Committee
Management Company
Tritz Professional Management Services (TPMS)
1525 East 17th Street
Suite A
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Gricelda Ayala, -
Scott D. Smith, CCAM, CAMEx, CCAM-PM -
Tritz Emergency Line
If there is a common area property emergency, you should first attempt to contact a member of the Board of Directors.
In the event that you are unable to reach a board member, the Tritz Emergency Line is 714-557-5900. Follow the prompts and the available on-call property manager will be paged to assist you. Please state your Association's name and please provide your address and telephone number clearly to the on-call message service so it may be communicated clearly to the on-call property manager.
Quarterly Assessment Payments Should Be Mailed To:
Sycamore Park Homeowners Association
c/o Tritz Professional Management Services
P.O. Box 11828
Santa Ana, CA 92711
City of Costa Mesa
CITY COUNCIL meets the first and third Tuesday of every month with the meetings beginning at 5:00 p.m., if there is a closed session scheduled, and 6:00 p.m. for the regular meeting. The council meetings are held in the Council Chamber. The City Council also conducts a study session on the second Tuesday of every month, beginning at 4:30 p.m. in Conference Room 1A, although please note that the location sometimes changes to accommodate anticipated interest. If a regular meeting date falls on a day that is a legal holiday, and City Hall is closed, the meeting is then held the following day.
PLANNING COMMISSION meets the second and fourth Mondays of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. If a legal holiday falls on Monday, the meeting automatically moves to Tuesday.